Monday, March 17, 2025

Paperback Warrior Podcast - Episode 116

It's another brand new episode of the Paperback Warrior Podcast! On this episode Eric recaps the recent gifs he received from fans and readers and looks at all of the happenings on the podcast and YouTube channel this month. In addition, a feature is presented on Pat Frank, a mid-20th century writer that is considered one of the first post-apocalyptic fiction authors to emerge after WW2. Also, a feature is presented on Armed Services Editions paperbacks and the history behind this patriotic and monumental printing mission in the 1940s. Listen on any streaming platform, play below, download HERE, or view directly on YouTube HERE.

Listen to "Episode 116: Pat Frank and the Birth of Doomsday Fiction" on Spreaker.

1 comment:

  1. A favourite episode. Thank you. I've read only Alas, Bablyon, and that only once, but it has stayed with me. Strange to think that I bought it - well, my mum, really - from a Scholastic (Canada) Book Club catalogue. This would've been in 1973, the year I turned eleven. Just the thing for kids!
